12 research outputs found


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    Geowisata tumbuh pesat dalam abad millenium ini, karena destinasinya memiliki daya tarik berupa landscape atau formasi geologis yang memiliki nilai estetika dan budaya. Destinasi ini menjadi merek tersendiri dalam benak wisatawan. Ekuitas pariwisata merupakan suatu konsep yang berangkat dari ekuitas merek yang dinilai konsumen. Ekuitas pariwisata Indonesia yang rendah disebabkan kinerja sumber daya pariwisata dan pemasaran berkelanjutan industria geowisata yang belum optimal. Pemasaran berkelanjutan pariwisata Indonesia diharapkan akan mendorong peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan dunia ke Indonesia dengan demikian diperlukan sumber daya pariwisata yang kuat dari ekuitas pariwisata Indonesia. Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan, yaitu: untuk memperoleh gambaran sumber daya pariwisata yang dimiliki oleh geowisata di Indonesia, gambaran karakteristik wisatawan yang berkunjung ke destinasi geowisata, implementasi Pemasaran yang berkelanjutan yang dilaksanakan oleh geowisata Indonesia, Citra destinasi geowisata di Indonesia, Ekuitas pariwisata untuk geowisata di Indonesia dan besar pengaruh sumber daya pariwisata dan karakteristik wisatawan, pariwisata berkelanjutan dan citra destinasi terhadap ekuitas pariwisata pada pariwisata geo Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian descriptif dan quantitatif, dimana PLS digunakan untuk menganalisis data secara statistik. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 destinasi geowisata yang ada di Pulau Jawa dan Bali, dimana sumber data terdiri dari pihak manajemen destinasi dan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke destinasi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekuitas pariwisata dibentuk oleh pemasarasan berkelanjutan, sumber daya pariwisata dan citra destinasi. Keseluruhan destinasi wisata yang sudah ada mencerminkan destinasi geo diminati dan wisatawan merasa bangga saat berkunjung kesana. Ekuitas pariwisata perlu ditingkatkan kompetensi, kredibilitas, dan tanggung jawab pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan destinasi geowisata.---------Geotourism grows rapidly in this millennium century, because the destination offers attractiveness of the landscape or geological formations that have aesthetic and cultural value. The destination to become a brand of its own in the minds of tourists. Tourism equity is a concept that departs from the brand equity that assessed consumers. Low equity of Indonesian tourism brand is due to the performance of tourism resources and marketing sustainable geo tourism industry that is not optimal. Sustainable tourism marketing Indonesia is expected to boost tourist arrivals to Indonesia, which required the powerful strenght in Tourism Resources to increase tourism equities. This study has several objectives: to obtain analysis of Tourism Resources at geotourism destination in Indonesia, analysis of characteristics Tourists visiting tourism destination geo, implementation Marketing Sustainable implemented by geotourism destination, Destination Image for geotourism geo, Tourism Equity for geotourism in Indonesia and the influence of Tourism Resources and Tourists Characteristics, Sustainable Marketing and Destination Image towards Tourism Equity in geotourism Indonesia. This research uses descriptive and quantitative research methods, which PLS is used to analyze the data. The unit of analysis in this study is 30 geo tourism destination in Java and Bali, where the source data consists of the management of destinations and tourists visiting these destinations. The results showed equity formed by sustainable marketing for geotourism, tourism resources and tourism destination image. Overall tourist destination that already reflects that tourist have desire to visit and during the visit the tourists feel proud towards a destination. Tourism equity needs to be improved in competence, credibility, and responsibility of stakeholder involved in the destinatio

    Value Creations Through Co-Creation and Collaboration Strategy in SMEs Creative Industry

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    The study focuses on fashion Small Medium Entreprises (SMEs) in Indonesia utilizing strategies and efforts to develop value creations. It is generated by co-creation and collaboration strategy which are supported by market attractiveness and dynamic capabilities. The objectives of this study are to perform analysis on co-creation, collaboration strategy and value creations of SMEs in fashion industry. The research method is descriptive and explanatory survey. The sample size are thirty one SMEs in Bandung and Partial Least Square (PLS) technique was used to test the hypothesis model. The unique findings is co-creation and collaboration strategy have influence on value creations. Market attractiveness or potential profitability be a major input in formulating and implementing both strategies. The phenomena depicted that optimizing market attractiveness and dynamic input capabilities can help SMEs formulate and implement co-creation and collaboration strategy more effectively to create value for customers (value creations). This research gave theoritical recommendation for fashion industry to enhance their value creations process and to develop co-creation and collaborations strategy. &nbsp


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    Ā Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Cangkuang PPTK Gambung memiliki aktivitas berkemah yang merupakan aktivitas wisata di yang berada desa Mekarsari yang cukup populer di kalangan wisatawan, karena memiliki core porduct seperti reguler camping, glamping dan aktivitas camping dimobil. Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Cangkuang PPTK Gambung belum memaksimalkan identitas merek yang dimiliki seperti belum ada ikon dan tagline destinasi untuk meningkatkan branding-nya. Tujuan penelitian adalah merumuskan strategi prioritas destination branding di Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Cangkuang PPTK Gambung.Ā  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yang memfokuskan pada studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan faktor kekuatan yang paling dominan dimiliki oleh Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Cangkuang PPTK Gambung yaitu terbagi menjadi 3 blok, dimana blok atas adalah bukit rumput dilengkapi dengan rawa kering, blok tengah bukit rerumputan yang datar, dan blok bawah pelataran rumput datar samping area sungai sejauh 700 meter. Faktor peluang tertinggi adalah Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Cangkuang PPTK Gambung diantaranya menjadi wisata favorit pada masa pandemi karena dapat berwisata sambil melakukan aktivitas fisik di luar ruangan atau ā€œback to natureā€ dan dengan kegiatan wisata salah satunya camping. Alternatif strategi yang diformulasikan untuk destination branding di Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Cangkuang PPTK Gambung diantaranya mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada dengan selalu memberikan pengalaman untuk wisatawan, mekanisme untuk penerapan kebersihan, kesehatan, keselamatan dan kelestarian lingkungan dalam menghadapi era new normal, memasang billboard dengan tagline yang menarik di lokasi yang strategis serta membuat tanda (sign) agar terlihat ada Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Cangkuang PPTK Gambung

    The Challenges in Developing Smart Tourism: A Literature Review

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    Smart tourism is experiencing rapid development along with the information and communication technology (ICT) revolution. ICT has enabled companies engaged in tourism to be "smarter" in improving their performance and competitiveness. This study aims to determine the challenges in developing smart tourism. This study uses a literature review method. The data analyzed were obtained from several articles in accordance with the research theme. The selected articles are reputable articles that have been indexed by Scopus. After filtering the articles to be analyzed, 31 articles were selected according to the research theme raised. The results of this study indicate that apart from having many benefits, the development of smart tourism also has many challenges, such as, it requires a lot of money, many tourists and people are not aware of the new technology, reduced need for human resources, etc. These challenges must be considered by stakeholders so that the development of smart tourism can run smoothly and be accepted by the community


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    The role of rural tourism development can help promote and help the local community of Sebunyuk Village. The purpose of this activity is to identify the needs and problems in developing Sebunyuk as a Tourism Village. The activity partner is the tourism community in Nam Pit Salu, Sebunyuk Village. The main problem is the mindset of people who still have a mindset as farm laborers or miners and do not see tourism as a field that benefits rural communities in the future. Partner problems are overcome through capacity building and assistance in implementing organization management, especially in management and marketing creative tourism products

    Challenges of Studying Management During Covid-19: A Student Perspective

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    The global pandemic of COVID-19 has caught many organizations changed the way organizations conduct their activities. Universities are learning organizations delivering knowledge to students. In a matter of days, the learning activities were changed into online mode after a brief announcement by the national government declaring a state of disaster in Indonesia. Online platforms in universities are common as most universities already conduct some form of online learning. But this time it was different. The pandemic has caused a barrier in a form of social distance, online. This study tries to answer the following questions: what are the students' perception of online learning in management programs? What challenges do the students face in online learning during COVID19, and what are the solutions for those challenges? Descriptive survey method was conducted on a sample of management students at several universities in Bandung. Questionnaires were distributed through an online platform with a snowball sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that students are not ready to follow the online learning system. Limited facilities, level of understanding, difficulty interacting with lecturers or fellow students, miscommunication due to misperceptions, unsupportive online learning environment, and technical problems become obstacles in online learning. Students prefer face-to-face learning over online learning. In essence, they are easier to grasp the material presented. In the teaching materials dimensions, respondents gave a negative response to all indicators, where the biggest negative 92% response was on the online college environment indicator.Then on the learning interaction dimension, the biggest negative response is 86% about online learning interactions with fellow students Furthermore, in the learning environment dimension, 94% of respondents stated th at they prefer face-to-face learning which provides convenience in solving problem

    Manajemen Pemasaran Geowisata

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    Manajemen Pemasaran Geowisata

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    Buku ini membahas tentang manajemen pemasaran geowisata secara terperinci. Buku ini cocok dibaca bagi pembaca yang tertarik dalam bidang pariwisata, terutama yang telah maupun akan mengelola geowisata. Dalam pemasaran diperlukan strategi, di mana strategi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan keunggulan bisnis dalam pasar yang kompetitif. Terdapat dua kerangka kerja pemasaran sebagai fondasi pembangunan strategi pemasaran yaitu triple bottom line dan natural capitalism


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    Desa wisata merupakan salah satu atraksi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan serta memberikan kontribusi yang positif bagi masyarakat. Dalam membangun desa wisata hal yang penting ialah sebuah komitmen antara pemerintah serta aparat desa, tokoh masyarakat dan organisasi desa untuk menjadikan desa sebagai desa wisata. Berdasarkan hasil kajian potensi pengembangan desa wisata Kecamatan Pagerageung Tasikmalaya Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat masih perlu peningkatan pengetahuan sumber daya manusia, maka diperlukannya peran akademisi untuk memberikan literasi desa wisata pada masayarakat desa di Pagerageung. Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang program pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui pengembangan desa binaan berbasis kemitraan di Kecamatan Pagerageung Tasikmalaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey awal, pelatihan, pendampingan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Survey awal yang dilakukan berfokus pada potensi desa wisata, pemahaman desa wisata di masyarakat, serta masalah yang ada di masyarakat dalam membangun desa wisata. Survey awal dikaji untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan desa wisata. Dengan metode tersebut diharapkan dapat turut membantu mengembangkan desa wisata dan menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di masyarakat dalam mengelola desa wisata, selain itu artikel ini juga menjelaskan pentingnya literasi desa wisata untuk masyarakat sebagai pemegang peran penting dalam mengembangkan desa wisata